About Us
SF-Shanghai Association
SF-Shanghai Association
Address: 2515 San Bruno Ave.,
San Francisco,CA94134
501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Tax ID is 47-3478793
Phone : (415)806-3180
Email : sfshanghaiassociation@gmail.com
Mission Statement
SF-Shanghai Association exist for serving the limited English
speaking Chinese/Asian community to improve their quality of
lives in America.
The goal:
Volunteers will work together to help immigrants and
visiting students in all aspects, including health, career
development, family needs, and education
1. Assist new Chinese immigrants and overseas students in understanding, participating in, and immersing within, American society.
2. Promote friendship and cultural understanding between citizens of California and Shanghai and its surrounding areas. Enhance cultural exchanges by promoting mutual visiting experiences.
3. Further grow economic and trade relations between the people of China and America.
4. Foster and create liaison relationships with various Chinese Associations.
5. Encourage appreciation for fundamental family values.
The Shanghai Association will function as a non-profit organization. It consists of a Board of Directors, whose directors serve as voluntary and executive members to promote affairs of the organization on a non-paid, voluntary basis. Additional volunteers will be recruited to serve different projects or render consultation and/or assistance when needed.
The Shanghai Association endeavors to help new immigrants and foreign students develop a sense of community in America, and positively engage in American society.
Globally, the Shanghai Association aims to promote a productive relationship between China and America by encouraging involvement in community activities, economic and trade cooperation, and cultural exchanges between California, shanghai and Shanghai's surrounding areas.
The shanghai Association also enhances liaison relationships with traditional Chinese Associations, and promotes good moral character, cultural reciprocity, and family values.
The Goal:
Volunteers will work together to help immigrants and visiting students in all aspects, including health, career development, family needs, and education.
地址 / Address:2515 San Bruno Ave. San Francisco, CA 94134
電話 / Tel:415-806-3180
聯絡人 / Contact: 會長 李美玲 / President Hazel Lee
電郵 / Email : hazellee38@msn.com
網站 / Website : sfshanghai.org
顧 問 Advisors
郭麗蓮大法官 Judge Lillian Sing
鄧孟詩大法官 Judge Julie Tang
吳康華 Michael Ng
理事會 Board of Directors
會長---李美玲 President/CEO---Hazel Lee
副會長---鄺深明 Vice President---Sam Kwong
副會長---黃輝 Vice President---Martin Wong
秘書---周祖裕 Secretary---Richard Zhou
財務---方茹娣 Treasure---Ru Di Fang
理事 Board Members
楊瑞明 Lydia Yeung
袁 兵 Bryan Yuan
梁麗儀 Annie Leung
李宗正教授 Dr. Lester Tshng Cheng
黎玉璣當瑩 Jeanna Li
梁國強 David Leung
陳業萌律師 Attorney Connie Y. Chan
伍蔚新 Wilson Ng
唐勁輝 Frank Tang
朱怡 Joyce Dea
地址 / Address:2515 San Bruno Ave. San Francisco, CA 94134
電話 / Tel:415-806-3180
聯絡人 / Contact: 會長 李美玲 / President Hazel Lee
電郵 / Email: sfshanghaiassociation@gmail.com
網站 / Website : sfshanghai.org
SF-Shanghai Association 2022 Officers
顧 問 Advisors
郭麗蓮大法官 Judge Lillian Sing
鄧孟詩大法官 Judge Julie Tang
吳康華 Michael Ng
理事會 Board of Directors
會長---李美玲 President/CEO---Hazel Lee
副會長---鄺深明 Vice President---Sam Kwong
副會長---黃輝 Vice President---Martin Wong
秘書---周祖裕 Secretary---Richard Zhou
財務---方茹娣 Treasure---Ru Di Fang
理事 Board Members
楊瑞明 Lydia Yeung
袁 兵 Bryan Yuan
梁麗儀 Annie Leung
李宗正教授 Dr. Lester Tshng Cheng
黎玉璣當瑩 Jeanna Li
梁國強 David Leung
陳業萌律師 Attorney Connie Y. Chan
伍蔚新 Wilson Ng
唐勁輝 Frank Tang
朱怡 Joyce Dea
王修运 Jeffrey Wang