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Hazel Lee
English event: Love is endless Charity Banquet- voter Education Fund
金山市長布里德(左)為李美玲(右)頒獎。(記者劉先進╱攝影) 舊金山上海協會主辦的「愛無止境」為選民教育籌款慈善晚宴2日晚舉行。舊金山上海協會會長李美玲(Hazel Lee)呼籲,希望華人追逐美國夢的同時也要關心公共政治,登記為選民,「如果我們同心協力,就能贏!」州華裔財務...
Hazel Lee
Flare-up between SF and Chinese merchants reveals Muni’s inadequate translation services
📷 Confusion over a transit project designed to improve bus service on San Bruno Avenue in the Portola District, pictured, has angered...
Hazel Lee
Charity Cultural Services Center
Western cooking class teachers and students celebrate Thanksgiving with delicious food
Hazel Lee
SF-Shanghai Association helped the family of Jessie Liu
The fund-raising efforts initiated by SF Shanghai Association to help the family of Jessie Liu, who was killed in a car accident on...
Hazel Lee
Comfort Women" Memorial Unveiling Ceremony
The day is finally here! Julie and I are excited to announce that on September 22, 2017 at 2 p.m. at St. Mary's Square, CWJC will...
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